Workplace Efficiency

Sodexo believes that innovative integrated support services help enhance the effectiveness of the client's organizational structure paving the way for a more efficient work output. This is why we offer services to optimize your processes to create a clean, safe and efficient working environment.

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Communications facilities

Despite the explosion of online communication, mail and shipment activities are still very much in demand and vital for doing business at a great many companies. Sodexo designs and delivers low-cost, efficient and reliable solutions to cover every stage of mail and shipping services. Our teams are experts at organizing on-site and virtual meetings, managing client systems and meeting room reservation schedules as well as videoconferencing equipment to ensure comfortable, efficient meetings without a hitch.

Foodservices for people on the go

The fast pace of work and overloaded schedules have resulted in radically shortened lunch hours. For employees on the go who want to eat quickly without sacrificing good nutrition, we offer a variety of products for take-out or rapid consumption in user-friendly areas.


Front desk hosts and hostesses are a company’s daily ambassadors. A smile, attentive listening and a proactive attitude can make all the difference. Sodexo implements customized, turnkey front desk solutions to enable companies to present their best face to partners and customers. Our teams manage our clients’ switchboards, update their telephone directories, ensure access to their parking lots and take charge of receiving deliveries.


Security systems have now become a key strategic component for companies and institutions. As a trusted partner of our clients, we offer and implement both human solutions (security, bodyguards) and technological solutions (biometric access, video surveillance) to protect the security of their premises, their property and above all their employees.


IFM Team Works Together to Create World-class Office, Sodexo’s Customized Steward Services

What should a world-class office be like? Much research on future office space offers an overview of different ideas, and we think one newly-built office building with integrated facility management (IFM) services provided by Sodexo may be one of the best in the world.

Sodexo improved management efficiency for Lilly’s 32 remote offices

Having 32 sales offices scattered in 31 cities, with different service providers delivering inconsistent service standards makes Eli Lilly, the well-known pharmaceutical company’s office management an increasingly complex process.

Sodexo, leveraging our profound operational experience and center of expertise, developed a customized and simplified solution consolidating all suppliers under one consistent management system supported by a sophisticated quality assurance system, thus greatly improving their management efficiency and help on building a consistent corporate image.

Sodexo ensured excellence through strict compliance with process management

Strict compliance with internal, external, local and international regulations is essential for all R&D facilities. GSK, the global pharmaceutical giant, develops and produces medicines  vital to human’s health, is no exception. Our long-standing cooperation with GSK gives us much stricter requirements on process management. At the end of 2011, Sodexo began applying for ISO9001:2008 quality management system certification for 18 GSK sites, culminating in their successful accreditation in February the coming year. Led by our professional experts, a complete set of ISO-compliant management documents including those for 23 processes was established. External audit by SGS was also passed indicating no major, serious or even minor non-compliance issues.




2012Fortune world`s most admired companies

Sodexo named one of the “World’s Most Admired Companies” by Fortune Magazine

Insight: Aligning loss-prevention with risk-based business progress

Aligning loss-prevention with risk-based business progress

Now the question is bringing the loss prevention services to the next level in line with the established business security processes and maintaining them in accordance with industrial  best practices.