Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing: At the heart of education

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The best learning environments are those that nourish the body as well as the mind. Sodexo can help you with both. We support students’ health and wellness with products, programs and services that focus on total student well-being. As the world’s largest employer of registered dietitians, all our menus are carefully crafted and approved by our trusted professionals.

Providing students with healthy meals is just the beginning. Schools must also provide them with the skills to make their own healthy decisions. To this end, we provide a variety of hands-on, inspirational and educational programs that encourage students to make smarter lifestyle and dietary decisions.


Sodexo dishes up the world on a plate

At an international school in Shanghai, which Sodexo serves, students and teachers are from more than 50 countries. Sodexo understands the school’s needs, so we offer diverse daily meal options covering Western and Chinese food. We also hold nation-themed gourmet festivals throughout the school year so that students can eat globally while staying on campus. We take surveys every year, recording students’ dietary habits and food allergies. Moreover, nut-free, gluten-free and vegetarian food options are available at all times. If meals contain nuts or gluten, we mark the plate clearly so students know what they are eating. We also have special vegetarian windows and options, Chinese and Western, such as the popular Mushroom Rice/ Noodles and Kung Pao Tofu.



Latest Award

Top 100 Foodservice Enterprises

Sodexo included in “Top 100 Foodservice Enterprises in China” for 6 consecutive years