Improving the Quality of Life for Scientists

The communications industry usually possesses lots of experts and talents who shoulder the mission of improving Chinese consumers’ quality of life. In turn, how to improve the daily life for the scientists to ensure they’re dedicated to technology research and development? This question comes to one of industry giant of the communications industry in China. As the giant’s long-term partner, Sodexo nurtures the quality of life of these scientists via its integrated facility management expertise with its client.

Like all good science, Sodexo began with thorough research

Before Sodexo arrived at the Client’s institute at the end of 2011, its experts in Food Services, Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) and Supply Management worked together with its operation team in a careful survey about the institute, relying on practical analysis of actual conditions on the ground to provide targeted and customized solutions. “Before its opening here, Sodexo held several meetings to mastermind future food services for us and offered various professional schemes and suggestions, which bettered the layouts of the dining hall and kitchen and made them work in a more reasonable way.” The Client was impressed by Sodexo’s professional work process and believes that Sodexo’s status in the Global 500 and the close cooperation of on-site teams create definite advantages to the services they offer.

During the survey, the Sodexo team found that this site is mainly composed of young scientists aged between 35-40, of whom about 60% are female. With the popularity of the “National Fitness” concept, the on-site team discovered that diners preferred low-salt and low-fat meals. This finding fits well with Sodexo’s nutrition and health concept, which follows the guidelines of Sodexo’s professional nutritionists in daily meal planning. The team also offers a delicious “high tea for pregnant women”, including cake, fruit and yogurt, which is very popular.

As scientific researchers are under much pressure, Sodexo’s team offers a buffet and provides life convenient services, such as face & body treatments and aerobics classes, in its fitness center. Sodexo’s service personnel and fitness instructors are based at the institute, which enables the scientists to deal with small fitness issues quickly and ease work stress without “going out”.

Knowing that the researchers frequently work overtime, after a year the on-site team introduced Aspretto, a coffee brand exclusive to Sodexo, to provide hot drinks and light meals in on-site supermarkets. The team also took site conditions into account and extended Aspretto’s opening time until 9pm, to support the scientists working late into the evening.

ZHANG Mingsheng, Sodexo Site Manager who’s been serving the Client for nearly six years, holds that “Quality of Life” means knowing customers’ needs at any moment and offering considerate services. For instance, after noticing that the original meal line made it difficult for 2,000 people to enjoy lunch at the same time during peak hours, his team analyzed time-segmented diner flow rates. By calling on their operations experience and facility experts’ suggestions, they improved the line layout by making people move in an island-shape form, which eased the peak hour pressure.

Dipping into a global resource pool to create fun Food Festivals

The biggest challenge for food services is that consumers “get bored”.

In order to provide creative taste experiences all the time, the Sodexo team allows no more than 20% repeated menus every week and is constantly working on new ideas. Suggestions about dishes from internal employees will be turned into menu items only after successfully tested.

Sodexo’s food platform provides resources for flavors and local food festivals in all its sites across China, and these resources are used in a special way at this site. The operation team not only accepts menus provided by the company for North China, but also introduces menus from East China, South China and abroad. The team also has access to decorations and clothes to create the on-site atmosphere for food festivals, making them true festivals with entertainments. The Client said in a testimonial, “Diners soar as you provide excellent services.”


Making Sugar-coated Haws for the Peking Food Festival


Various Kinds of Food Festivals Please Both Eyes and Tastes 

The power of training brings more technical personnel

ZHANG Mingsheng believes, “People are the cornerstone of service quality. Constant improvement of service guarantees and elevates the values brought by Sodexo to its clients and customers.” This is also a core value of Sodexo managers wherever they work.

This site relies on Sodexo’s comprehensive platform of more than 200 technical and managerial training schemes, including chef promotion training programs and training for technical posts. The results speak for themselves—the site has cultivated one head chef and promoted 12 assistant chefs to chefs, one chef to chef supervisor, and one service foreman to service supervisor. At the same time, many years’ experience of quality of life service operations on-site has attracted numerous management trainees and intern site managers from Sodexo’s China-France training program. This makes efficient use of talent resource and creates innovation power.

Team growth brings added values to clients, and the improvement of service levels wins praise from customers and clients. The institute site won the award for “Best On-site Team” and “Outstanding Contribution Team” from the Client and has received testimonials many times. The Client described Sodexo as a “trustworthy partner”, saying that “Sodexo provides our employees with safe, quality and satisfactory food services through first-class management, service and quality. We are impressed by the professionalism and excellence of Sodexo’s on-site team.”


2012Fortune world`s most admired companies

Sodexo named one of the “World’s Most Admired Companies” by Fortune Magazine