
Consumers join the fight!

Consumers join the fight!

  • International

From 8th to 13th of January 2018, donate during #StopHungerWeek for a hunger-free world!

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Stop Hunger 2017: against hunger, we’re not letting go!

Stop Hunger 2017: against hunger, we’re not letting go!

  • International

Because hunger remains the number one health problem in the world, we are going further by supporting sustainable solutions, such as food self-sufficiency and access to training, education and employment. We are committed to women's economic equality and empowerment: by investing € 1 million in innovative and measurable programs, we are helping women to take meaningful action against hunger in their communities.

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2017 Stop Hunger Servathon: an international mobilization!

2017 Stop Hunger Servathon: an international mobilization!

  • Servathon

Working for a hunger-free world is the mission of Stop Hunger. The commitment, energy and determination to help those most in need brought together thousands of volunteers around the world during the Stop Hunger Servathon.

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Your newsletter just out!

Your newsletter just out!

  • International

This newsletter provides news from around the world to all of you who support Stop Hunger.

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