Core Cleaning

White Paper: Reducing Healthcare-Associated Infections with Protecta

Protecta® is transforming infection prevention in U.S. hospitals, slashing rates of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) like C. difficile and MRSA. Explore this integrated program's data-backed strategies, blending science and art for scalable solutions and effective governance processes.

Read the white paper

Nearly 75,000 people die each year in the U.S. from preventable infections acquired in the hospital. In addition to the lives at stake, just one hospital-acquired infection (HAI) can cost your hospital $45,000 in penalties imposed on your Medicare reimbursement.* 

Is your healthcare facility challenged with high HAI rates, putting your patients’ health and safety at risk? Is your hospital facing HAC penalties, or are poor HCAHPS scores diminishing your hospital's reputation? Or does your hospital simply want to maintain the highest standard of care?  

In any of these cases, an effective infection prevention program can help you reduce these risks and drive positive clinical and financial outcomes.  


*Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 

Protecta Gets Results

  • 140 sites served

  • 8,953 infections avoided

  • $324+ million in savings

Results from 2017-2021, with savings based on $36,529 per CMS-reportable HAI

What is Protecta?

Protecta from Sodexo Healthcare is an evidence-based Environmental Infection Prevention program proven to reduce, stabilize and prevent HAIs, supporting better health outcomes for your patients and positive business outcomes for your hospital.

Watch the Protecta video

Key Elements of Protecta

Proven Results - Protecta is backed by an evidence-based risk stratification approach and deployed in a targeted manner based on room or area type, procedures performed, types of patient and medical conditions present and equipment within each location. 

Consistent Processes - We ensure the right cleaning and infection prevention processes and technologies are consistently applied in the right places across your health system, to ensure both safety and efficiency.  

Robust Training - Robust staff training focuses on the latest infection prevention protocols and regulatory guidance supported by infection prevention professionals and healthcare experts. 

Single-Use Mops and Wipes - We use the most effective materials to ensure proper cleaning of intended surfaces as well as product efficacy.  

Best-in-Class Chemical Disinfectants - Our bundled approach uses best-in-class chemical disinfectants that are highly efficacious, safe to use and compatible with common hospital surfaces.


Protecta Plus

Protecta Plus offers added assurance for terminal disinfection, outbreaks or high-risk areas or hospitals with immunocompromised patients by leveraging next-level technology:  


Resources for Combatting HAIs

White Paper: Lifting the Curtain on SIR Calculations

Find out why the Standardized Infection Ratio may not be as good a metric for HAIs as you may think.

Download the white paper

E-book: A Guide to Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infections

Learn how hospitals are mitigating HAIs with an integrated, evidence-based approach.

Download the e-book

Case Study: Protecta Delivers Predictability and Cost Avoidance

See how ECU Health stabilized HAI rates and avoided over $300k in costs.

Download the case study
