Sodexo Seniors Client Newsletter Spring 2022

No one should ever have to feel the pangs of hunger, but the reality is that too many families experience hunger and food insecurity every day. These issues have been further intensified due to the pandemic. Yet, Sodexo employees and the communities in which they serve continue to seek ways to become part of the solution to end hunger. Every year, during Servathon, Sodexo’s largest annual volunteering event to help stop hunger, employees collaborate with the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation to provide food aid and support in communities all around the world.

Graphic: Thanks to many volunteers over $25,000 was raised, 65,528 beneficiaries assisted, and 167,511 meals were donated.


Established 26 years ago by Sodexo employees in the US, the Stop Hunger Foundation is a global non-profit network in 54 countries. Its mission: to act locally and sustainably for a hunger-free world.

The Stop Hunger Foundation is committed to making a positive impact to end hunger in communities across the US, but we can’t do it alone, says Executive Director Roxanne Moore. We are fortunate to have many excellent business and community partners and dedicated Sodexo employees, locally and nationally, who collaborate and coordinate their unique insights and resources to solve this complex problem. This type of cross-sector coordination is essential for creating social change that will help end hunger permanently.

In 2021, with the help of thousands of employees and partners, the foundation made strides to ensure people have access to nutritious food more immediately, while also establishing initiatives that will help people find a pathway out of hunger.

Here are some of the highlights from 2021, which are included in the “Bright Futures Begin Where Hunger Ends” impact report:


The success of the Stop Hunger Foundation is due to the dedication of our employees and partners, including members of our own Seniors team who recently volunteered in a canned food drive at Sodexo headquarters in Gaithersburg, Md. All proceeds were donated to a local food bank

You can read the complete impact report to see how Sodexo teams are making a difference. You can also visit Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation | Linktree or for more information.

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